The FGDR is available to answer any questions regarding its role, its public interest mission or the guarantee mechanisms that it manages for customers of the banking and financial sector.
Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts et de Résolution
65, rue de la Victoire - 75009 Paris - FRANCE
If your question appears in the list below, we invite you to read the related responses.
- What is the FGDR?
The FGDR is neither a bank nor an investment services provider. The FGDR is a public interest organisation whose mission is to protect and compensate customers in the event that their bank or investment services provider fails.
The deposit guarantee scheme is automatic and free of charge – you do not need to do anything to benefit from it. To learn more, please visit www.fonds-degarantie.com.
- Are you trying to contact your bank or savings institution?
The FGDR does not have any information about your accounts. It does not intercede in the relationship between customers and their bank, savings institution or financial services provider. For account transactions, please contact your bank directly. You will find its contact details on the first page of your regular account statement. -
Have you received an information letter about the deposit guarantee scheme from a bank?
Since 2015, banks have been required by law to inform their customers about the deposit guarantee scheme once a year. You do not need to return this information letter to us. If this letter was sent to an individual who is no longer a customer of the bank or is deceased, please disregard it. -
Are you looking for an old bank account or one that is already closed?
A bank account that has been inactive for a long time is closed by the bank and transferred to the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), which is a separate entity from the FGDR. The FGDR is not involved in this. You can check whether the account was transferred at www.ciclade.caissedesdepots.fr, a site managed by the CDC, and then collect the amount remaining in the account. -
Do you want to know if life insurance is guaranteed?
Life insurance products, even those purchased through a bank, are obtained from an insurance company. They are not covered by the FGDR, but they are covered by the Fonds de Garantie des Assurances de Personnes (FGAP). To learn more, please visit www.fgap.fr.
For further information, contact the FGDR using the form below. We will be happy to respond as soon as possible.