The Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts et de Résolution (FGDR) is an entity whose mission is to serve the public interest and protect customers in the event that their bank or financial institution fails.
The FGDR manages three guarantee mechanisms: the deposit guarantee scheme, the investor compensation scheme and the performance bonds guarantee scheme.
It is responsible for compensating you in the event that your bank or investment firm is declared as having failed and your assets have become unavailable. It can also intervene before the institution fails in order to avoid an interruption in customer services.
Here you will find basic information about the FGDR, its history, its organisation, a few figures, its partners in France and its international partners.
Les informations clés sur le FGDR
Le Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts et de Résolution (FGDR) est chargé d’une mission de service public : il est l’opérateur de crise du secteur bancaire et financier. Il protège les avoirs des clients et les indemnise en cas de défaillance de leur établissement.
The FGDR in figures
The FGDR raises its resources from members of the deposit guarantee, investor compensation and performance bonds guarantee schemes. The contributions paid by the institutions make up the FGDR's own funds and can be used at any time to intervene in a member institution in difficulty.
History of the FGDR
Created by the Law of 25 June 1999 relating to savings and financial security, the FGDR has developed alongside changes in French, European and international regulations and developments in the banking and financial sector and its services.
L'organisation du FGDR
Le FGDR est une unité de pilotage de petite taille (15 personnes), réduite et agile, pouvant se mettre immédiatement en capacité d’intervenir en mode préventif ou en indemnisation.
The FGDR’s partners in France
The FGDR, whose mission is to serve the public interest, was created to protect customers in the banking and financial sector. It sits at the centre of a “financial safety net” and plays a fundamental role in financial stability.
International partners
The FGDR’s activity is in line with international regulations. Exchanges among European funds or funds in other parts of the world are a cornerstone of their activity. The FGDR works closely with national and European authorities and with its European and international counterparts upstream of developments in the regulatory framework and downstream in the implementation of standards.